
Wrestling in Downtown Toronto – Toronto’s Best Wrestling Class

OpenMat’s wrestling program is designed to elevate your fitness, confidence, and self-defense skills to new heights. Perfect for competitors in Jiu-Jitsu, MMA, or wrestling itself, as well as those seeking a dynamic way to stay fit and have fun.

Wrestling is the cornerstone of combat sports, essential for effectively taking the fight to the ground or defending against it. Now, these vital skills are accessible right in downtown Toronto, providing you with the tools you need to excel in any grappling sport.

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Top 5 Reasons to Wrestle at OpenMat

  • Unearthly Conditioning

    In the martial arts world, wrestlers are known as some of the most fit. It is a challenge, but it will boost your fitness immensely. You will have trouble finding a more complete, intense and fun workout. It’s addictive!

  • Unparalleled Self-Defense Ability

    If you’re thinking about self defence, wrestling is unparalleled. It is the surest way to stop someone from putting you on your back and getting up off of it if they have put you there. And being able to put someone down if need be is an invaluable asset in self defence.

  • Become Confident and Stronger Willed

    Wrestling is a contest of skill, but it is as much a contest of will. It will make you a stronger person. Determining that you WILL put someone down on the ground, or DETERMINING that they WILL NOT take you down. It’s an art that builds will power. You gain a determination and strength that stays with you when you leave the mats.

  • Supercharge Current Martial Arts Training

    OpenMat Wrestling will enhance your Jiu-Jitsu by helping you develop an amazing takedown game and a crushing top game, you get far more control over whether you fight from the top or the bottom! Finish your sweeps, catch more chokes, and much, much more! Greco-Roman Wrestling prohibits grabbing the legs and thus highly refines the art of upper body control. This will naturally improve your muay Thai clinch by leaps and bounds! Even traditional martial arts such as Karate, Kung Fu, Tae Kwon Do are complimented by wrestling. This is because Wrestling allows you to dive headlong into the grappling world with the one art that can completely prevent a grappler from employing their skills – if you want to stop a wrestler, you have to be a wrestler!

  • Unquestionable Necessity for MMA

    For those serious about MMA, wrestling is non-negotiable. It's the art that dictates where the fight takes place, and without it, you're at a significant disadvantage.

Head control wresltingDouble leg wrestlingGuillotine wreslting
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